Bulgaria | Plovdiv Techno Press Ltd. No.21 Akad. Georgi Nadjakov Str. 4023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Tel:+359-32-629971 / +359-32-629970 technopress.bg
France | Meaux LC Trade France 8 Rue des Frères Lumière 77100 Meaux France Tel:+33-1-64330766 Fax:+33-1-64330422 www.lctradefrance.com
Russia |Moscow Timfoil 107140, 3 Krasnoselsky per., Bld. 21, St. 1, room XVI-26, Moscow, Russia Tel:+7-495-2760652 www.timfoil-univacco.ru
Spain |Alicante Vellerino Sistemas de Impresión, S.L. Partida Algoros 54, 03207, Elche (Alicante), Spain Tel:+34-96-6665609 Fax:+34-96-6634774 www.vellerino.com
Hungary Lemmaco Kft. 2072 Zsambek, Herceghalmi ut, Hrsz, 078/2, Hungray Tel:+36-23-340-338 www.lemmaco.com
Italy | Milan OROPRESS Via dei Giovi 102/104, 20032 Cormano (MI) – Italy Tel:+39 02-615-4151 E-mail:info@oropress.it https://www.oropress.it
United Kingdom | Cheshire FOILCO LIMITED (UK) Enterprise Way, Lowton St Mary's, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2BP. United Kingdom Tel:+44-(0)-1942 262622 E-mail:hello@foilco.com https://www.foilco.com
Poland | Baltics IBF Graphica S.A. Ul, Lutycka 93, 60-478 Poznan, Poland Tel:+48-61-8460-800 https://www.ibfgraphica.pl
Headquarters Univacco Technology Inc. No. 383, Mayou Rd., Madou Dist., Tainan City 721013, Taiwan (R.O.C) Tel:+886-6-5703853 Fax: +886-6-5102727 www.univacco.com
Taiwan |Mialoi Yoto Holographics Inc. No. 6-6, Qiaozaitou, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County 350,Taiwan (R.O.C) Tel: +886-3-7464078 Fax: +886-3-746407
China |Jiangsu Univacco Technology (WuXi) Inc. No.3, Huashan Road, New District, WuXi, Jiangsu 214028 Tel: +86-510-85215653 Fax: +86-510-85214331
Malaysia | Selangor Univacco Technology (M) Sdn Bhd Lot 17-8, Jalan CJ 1/1, Bersatu Industrial Park, Cheras Jaya, 43200 Balakong, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel:+60-603-90745118 Fax:+60-603-90755116
Japan |Tokyo Univacco Foils Japan Inc. 10F, VORT Azabujuban, 3-4-18 Higashiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0044, Japan Tel:+81-03-5545-5328 Fax:+81-03-5545-5329 www.univacco.jp
Taiwan |New Taipei City Jixiang Foil 10F., No.356, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:+886-2-22427989 Fax:+886-2-22427778
Taiwan |Taichung Li Guang Hang No. 250, Wenxin S. 10th Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402019 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:+886-04-22627525 Fax:+886-4-22610729 www.printings.com.tw
Thailand | Bangkok FOILMASTER (Thailand) Ltd. 555 Soi Sansabai Rama 4 Road, Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel:+66-2-6613900 Fax:+66-2-2608888 www.foilmasterthailand.com
South Africa | Johannesburg K Systems Foils cc 34, Betty Street, Jeppestown, Johannesburg 2094, South Africa Tel:+27-0215114094~8 Fax:+27-0215116834 www.ksystems.co.za
Dubai Amagic Technologies USA Jebel Ali Free Zone (south) Street S404, BLDG S312 P.O.Box 61306 Dubai, UAE Tel:+971-4-8838628 Fax:+971-4-8838865 Mobile:+971-506539904
Idia |Chennai DHANA IMPEX NO.117/2B, Opp. Chellamman Koil, Nallur, CHENNAI- 600 067, India Tel:+91-44-26331422 / 26331822 Mobile:+91-9962000792 www.dhanaimpex.com
USA |Massachusetts Univacco Foils East ● North America Headquarters 16 South Hunt Road, Amesbury, MA 01913 Tel:+1-978-834-5528 Email: sales@univaccofoils.com www.univaccofoils.com
USA |California Univacco Foils Corporation ● West Operations 13906 Bettencourt Street, Cerritos, CA 90703 Tel:+1- 562-4041001 Fax:+1- 562- 4041137 Email: sales@univaccofoils.com www.univaccofoils.com
Chile |Santiago SIDC-CHILE LTDA. Volcan Lanin 448, Pudahuel, Santiago, Chile Tel: +56-9-92262733 Email: mdubost@sidc-chile.com www.sidc-chile.com
Argentina |Buenos Aires Impress Jet SA Rep. Argentina 5209, Malvinas Argentinas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel:+54-3327-444664 Fax:+54-2320-352975 www.stamping.com.ar
Colombia |Cali ROYO foils Calle 31A # 2C-10, Cali, Colombia Tel:+57-2-684-9545 Tel:+57-2-445-3015 Fax:+54-11-47990165 www.royofoils.com
The UNIVACCO R&D center, with over 25-years of production innovation experience, is led by a group of devoted chemical and application engineers who are committed to pushing the limits of technology.
Certified to ISO 9001 international quality management standards, providing consistent quality and service to our customers.
UNIVACCO Europe (Lodz, Poland) has announced further additions to its direct European sales team. Kai Schildwaechter joins as European Sales Director,.....