UNIVACCO Foils, is a global manufacturer of Hot Stamping Foils, Cold Foils, Holographic Foils and functional foils. As the American office of UNIVACCO Technology Inc., we are positioned to offer our North and South American customers an entire suite of foils to serve their needs in packaging, labeling, and beyond. Our operations are backed by the commitment and know-how of more than 700 employees worldwide.

Masters of vacuum metallizing, precision coating, and chemical formulations, UNIVACCO is a world leader in our key product markets.
The UNIVACCO R&D center, with over 25-years of production innovation experience, is led by a group of devoted chemical and application engineers who are committed to pushing the limits of technology.
Certified to ISO 9001 international quality management standards, providing consistent quality and service to our customers.
UNIVACCO Europe (Lodz, Poland) has announced further additions to its direct European sales team. Kai Schildwaechter joins as European Sales Director,.....